BFA—Department of Photography
Bezalel Academy of Art & Design Jerusalem Graduation with Honors.
2019—The Royal Photographic Society
HIP Fest (Hull International Photo Festival), UK
2019—The Royal Photographic Society
Municipal Gallery, dlr LexIcon, Dublin, IR
2019—The Royal Photographic Society
Royal Albert Hall, London, UK
2019—The Royal Photographic Society
Midlands Arts Centre, Birmingham, UK
2018— Sandbox
Binyanin Galley, Curator Sara Kopelman Group exhibition, Israel
2018—Athens Photo Festival
Group exhibition, Greece
Opera House, Curator: Vardi Kahana Group exhibition, Israel
2018— Elephent in the Room
Beit Hankin A Multidisciplinary Museum Space, Curator: Eilat Hertzolf, Neta HaberGroup exhibition, Israel
2017— Emerging Talents
MACRO—Museo d’Arte ContemporaneaGroup exhibition Roma, Italy
2017—Oh Guardian
Beit Hankin A Multidisciplinary Museum Space, Curator: Eilat Hertzolf, Neta HaberGroup exhibition, Israel
2016—Beijing Photo WeekGroup exhibition, China
2016—Binyanin GalleyCurator Dor Sharon, Roi Kuper Group exhibition, Israel
2016—Organ Vida
International Photography FestivalGroup exhibition, Croatian
2016—Tel Aviv Port
Group exhibition, Israel
2016—International Photo Festival
Group exhibition, Barcelona, Spain
2016—International Photo Festival
Group exhibition, Israel
2016—Fresh Paint
The Independent Artists Greenhouse Israel
2015—Gallery Contemporary by Golconda
Curator: Liav MizrahiGroup exhibition, Israel
2015—Fresh Paint
The Independent Artists Greenhouse Israel
2015—Jerusalem Biennale Israel
2015—Athens Photo Festival
Group exhibition, Greece
Hansen Compound multimedia art centre. Curator: Hadas Glazer
Group exhibition, Israel
2015—Art Space TLV
Curator: Pesi Girsh, Nir HarmatGroup exhibition, Israel
2014—Fresh Paint
The Independent Artists Greenhouse Israel
2014—Open House Tel Aviv
Solo exhibition, Israel
Hansen Compound multimedia art centre. Curator: Hadas Glazer
Group exhibition, Israel
2014—Photo Tel-Aviv
Group exhibition, Israel
2014—International Photo Festival
Group exhibition, Israel
2013—Base Level Gallery
Curator: Sharon Toval
Solo exhibition, Austria
2012—Department of Photography
Bezalel Academy of Art & DesignSolo Exhibition, Israel
Group exhibition, Ashdod, Israel
2012—Vagrancy Group exhibition, Israel
Honors and Awards
2016— YPHOTO & LG
Best Long-Term Projects of the Year
Barcelona International Photography Awards
2015— Prize for New Immigrant Artists
The Minister of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption’s Yuri Stern
2013—Promising Artist
by the Financial Magazine “Calcalist”
2012—Most Inspiring Artist
by “Ynet”, Electronic Major Daily in Israel
Professional Experience2013-2014 — Galitz
Lecturer in Photography
2011-2015—6B studio
College of Art & Design, Lecturer in Photography and Techniques
Photography Painting